In this topic the basic settings of Service Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will be discussed
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Event codes
Event codes identify work packages. The base table does not define the actual content, as this may differ per object type; it only defines the common set of work packages. This ensures that each object type uses the same code for the same work, and thus you can compare work packages between object types. This allows you to forecast time consumption per object type more accurately and identify the most efficient object types for specific work packages.
The event codes can have specific document title, so a work order for a "Check" may actually carry the title "Check Object"
Field | Description |
Event code | Unique identification for a package of work. |
Event description | Extended description for the event code |
Title on documents |
Title to be used on single task work order with this event code. |
Exclude from Mobile Field Service |
Only relevant in case mobile field service is used. This determines the workflow presented in the mobile device. Depending on the chosen workflow more or less steps will be presented |
Follow-up-task status |
Only relevant in case mobile field service is used. In case a follow up task is created from within the mobile device, this setting determines the task status in which the follow up task is created |
Workshop repair |
When selected this event code is classified as a workshop repair activity. This check box triggers the creation of a negative item line based on the repair item as setup on the object type. This item is used to receive the part from the customer. |
Workshop | Default name of the workshop location for the eventcode |
Document titles are the titles printed on documents for i.e. customers in different countries.
Language | Language id for this title |
Title on documents |
Actual language title for the event code. I.e. When the customer lives in the United States the description as mentioned above will be printed on the documents. Instead of the default description of the event code. |
The eventcode in combination with the object type provides the option to create a defaulted forecast of the transactions this task will consist of. offers the opportunity to setup object-specific settings for eventcodes. Although Service Tasks can be used without this setup, it is considered an essential setup step. First, because upon service task creation the drop-down menu "eventcode" will only show eventcodes that have been setup in combination with the object type of that task. Second, because no forecasted transactions will appear if the combination between the task’s object type and eventcode has not been setup. Set up can also be done in Service Management - DYS > Objects > Object type.
Field | Description |
Object type | Object type this event may occur on. |
Details | |
Parts list for this particular combination of object type and work package. The items which are part of this BOM can be selected on the individual service tasks. |
Title on documents |
Title to print on the work order in case of using this event code.setup by language and event code |
Estimated duration |
Mean repair time to use for the work package. Used for capacity deduction and for scheduling. |
Item Usage |
Item number | Items that will be used for this objecttype <> eventcode combination. Items will appear on the service task. Item to be consumed as spare part. The selection can be made from the item master table from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . |
Configuration | Configuration id of the item. Also based on the configurations defined on the item master from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . |
Product name |
The item name will be copied from the selected item number. |
Quantity |
Quantity to consume for the event. |
Operations | Operations that should be preformed for this object type <> eventcode combination. The operations will appear on the service task. |
Operation no. |
Unique number of the operation to be performed on this event. This can be selected from the list with allowed operations for this object type. |
Description |
Description of the operation above. This description will be inherited from the operation setup. |
Component type |
Selects the sub-objects the operation is to be applied on. The sub-objects need to be below the parent object on the service call for the task the event code is selected on. |
Revenue | Items which generate a revenue used for this objecttype <> eventcode combination. I.e. use of small material. These items will appear on the service task. |
Item number |
Select items for application of trade-agreements and description. Keep in mind revenue does never create any inventory transactions. Items are only used as vehicle for addition functionality. |
Name |
Description of the item. |
Quantity |
For information purposes, partial invoicing and price-calculations a quantity can be used. |
Service Mangement - DYS > Set up > Project integration
Service Management is closely integrated with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations project management and accounting module. For instance, each service object also becomes a project and each service call may create a sub-project. This creates a history and financial position per object and per activity at the same time.
Posting to the project module may be influenced by service contract, service object type and service call types. The project integration contains the basis table with set of postings. The project integration determines the default project categories and the default line properties to be used on the service tasks.
Any new created record receives defaults from the default project integration as defined in the parameters. Therefore you should setup these first.
In the selection setup fast tab you can define specific combinations of categories and line properties. I.e. you are able to setup that a specific category isn’t chargeable although the rest is.
Field | Description |
Project integration ID |
Unique code for identification of project posting profile. |
Descripiton | Description of the project intergration ID. |
Hours | |
Hours category |
Specify the default category to be used for hours forecasting and hour consumption journals. |
Hours budget status |
Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above hour budgets. The hour budget status will used in forecasting. |
Hours invoice status |
Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above hour transactions. The hours invoice status will be used in realisation. |
Items | |
Project category for items |
Specify the default category to be used for item forecasting and item consumption. |
Items invoice status |
Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above item transactions. |
#Validate projects categories |
Determine which service category can be used for items. Yes, all categories can be chosen. No, only the pre defined project categories can be chosen. |
Costs | |
Costs project category |
Specify the default category to be used for costs forecasting and costs journals. |
Costs invoice status |
Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above cost transactions. |
Revenue | |
Revenue project category |
Specify the default category to be used for revenue forecasting and revenue journals. |
Revenue invoice status |
Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above revenue transactions. |
Depreciation | |
Depreciation project category | Specify the default category to be used for depreciation forecating and depreciation journals. |
Depreciation invoice status |
Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above depreciation (cost) transactions |
Travel costs | |
Travel costs project category |
Specify the default category to be used for travel costs forecasting and travel costs journals |
Travel invoice status | Specify the default invoice status to assign with the travel costs transactions. |
Selection set up |
The selection setup allows you to determine specific combinations of categories and line properties. This option allows you to determine that certain categories are chargeable and others aren’t. The selected categories will also work as a filter. In case nothing is entered in this screen, all categories can be selected in the service task. If i.e. in this screen two categories are defined in the selection setup only these two will be visible in the service task. |
Service Mangement - DYS > Set up > Transaction texts
The transactions text can be used to determine the text that should be printed in five different types of transactions. Use and visibility depends on the transaction.
Field | Description |
Text |
The type of transaction for which you want to setup the text. Only the three options as mentioned above are available. |
Selection key |
The selection key can be used to make the transaction text more specific. This selection key can i.e. be the revenue category, the visit tariff code or the coverage type. |
Language |
The language can be used as an additional selection key. By entering a language you text will only be used for that language. When the language field is empty the text will be used for all languages. |
Text |
The text that will appear on the transaction. When selecting the field the end user will see in the lower part of the screen the relevant options. These options vary per type and can be entered as %1, %2, etc., possible text will appear below on the screen and depends on the selected text (left select field) |
Service Mangement - DYS > Set up > Invoicing groups
Invoice groups can be used in service contracts. These invoice groups can be used in the periodic batch invoicing (automatic periodic invoicing based on invoice groups). Based on the invoice date and the periods as defined in the invoice groups the batch will determine which periods of a contract can be invoiced. An additional date selection isn’t required.
Field | Description |
Invoice group |
Name of the invoice group. This name can be selected in the setup of contract templates and in individual contracts. |
Description |
Extended description of the invoice group. |
Periods |
Number of periods. Will be used in combination with the period types. The combination of both will determine the invoicing period on the service contracts. |
Period type |
Period type (Year, Month, Week, Day). Will be used in combination with the periods. The combination of both will determine the invoicing period on the service contracts. |
This option update the next invoice dates on the contract linked to the selected invoice group. The actual next invoice date is presented in the contract header.
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Hour markups
Hour markups can be used in combination with the hours via revenue functionality (see parameters). During the registration phase of a service task the realized hours can be copied to the revenue tab. During the copying functionality it is possible to split the hour line into multiple revenue lines. This split is based on the hour markup.
The benefit of this is that the engineer doesn’t need to be familiar with the overtime agreements. An additional benefit is that in this way the cost will be posted from the hour tab of a service task and the revenue from the revenue tab. This makes the invoicing part more flexible. I.e. more/less hours can be invoiced than realized by the engineer.
Field | Description |
Date |
A date can be entered when an overtime percentage is linked to a specific date, i.e. bankholidays |
Weekday | A weekday can be entered when an overtime percentage is linked to a weekday, i.e. Saturday and Sunday |
From |
From time to determine the start of the overtime period. |
To | End time to determine the start of the overtime period. |
% | Overtime percentage that needs to be used for the defined line. |
Item Number | Item number that should be used for the base salesprice. |
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Form setup
Similar to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations standard functionality specific settings regarding forms and printing can be done by using the form settings.
Field | Description |
Item number |
Item number in form |
Specify the item number in forms, for instance product receipts and invoices |
Amount | |
Print amount in currency representing the euro |
Print amount in currency representing the euro, yes or no |
Totals |
Determines on which page the totals should be printed on the first of last page |
Sales tax | |
Sales tax specifications |
Detail level of sales tax specification print |
Separate tax exempt balance in forms |
Separate tax exempt balance in forms, yes or no |
Field | Description |
Layout | Select the paper format for the current report. |
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Planned service types
The planned service types are used to classify the planned service. The service types don’t trigger specific functionality but can be used for grouping, filtering and as classification.
Field | Description |
Description |
Generic description of the planned service type |
Service type |
ID for the planned service type which is displayed in the planned service screen. This can i.e. "warranty", "re-call", etc. |
Service Management - DYS > Set up > Service management workflows